Saturday, August 22, 2015

For My Birthday...

I finally know what I want for my birthday; another chance to give.
Another chance to give to you something of myself. A post card, a poem,
a piece of creative put-together-junk that resembles a smiling face,
a flower from the lawn with some sentimental memory attached of how
and when I grew it and what it meant to me symbolically,
a chance to share a childhood dream, or to treat you to an ice cream,
a chance to bring you peace of mind with my calm heart, not the panicky-version,
a chance to make you smile with my laughter as you tickle and tease my silly ways,
a chance to hug you with tears in my eyes cause I'm having such a good day.
Another chance to write to you a letter with my sentiments and stories.
I know what I want for my birthday.

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