Friday, February 03, 2017


Do you remember when we were trees and we drank from the ground? Our bodies were still and we allowed life to grow upon us? We responded to light and conserved in the dark. You may ask where we're our thoughts, but it seems we didn't need them. Our destiny was to grow, bear fruit and seeds, and our breath made a home around us.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Morning Walk to Work (1-13-17)

Walking to work. Passing the hospital. My feet on the sidewalk pavement moving towards my school. Two doctors walking side by side towards me, a wall of 2 men taking up the path. I yield to the dirt, my new sneakers gathering wet dust. Was it a choice or was I a victim to discourteous behavior. Which one of them forgot to share? I can't make up my mind if my act was choice or habit. Just the day before, a capable student asked me politely to tie his shoes. I leaned over approaching his laces. He pulled back laughing, "You was actually going to do it!" I told him, "It isn't beneath me."